TWM Clearance Centre is part of TWM Imports - a leading Australian Importer
Over 25 years of accumulated products need to be cleared to make room for new stock items.
Scratch & Dent, Deleted Stock Items, Incomplete Items Suitable for Repair, Rebuild or Spare Parts.
All Items Priced to Sell, some items have limited warranty some sold as is.
Workshop Equipment, Air Compressors, Fans & Ventilators, Farming Equipment, Farming Implements, Agricultural Implements, Garage Jacks, Garden Equipment, Generators, Hydraulic Presses, Log Splitters, Materials Handling, Petrol Engines, Diesel Engines, Power Tools, Water Pumps, Storage Equipment, Power Garden Equipment.

1000s Of Items
TWM Imports is one of Australia’s leading importers of quality equipment suitable for a multitude of uses including; workshop & maintenance, agricultural, materials handling, domestic and a range of other applications. Over the course of the last two decades the business has amassed a significant amount of product which is not required.
Massive Range of Products
Items include; new products deleted from the current range, warranty return products which may need repair, damaged items or simply damaged packaging, items robbed for parts to fix other products, items stripped of parts and items whose origins may be a mystery to all.

Start Shopping
There are 1000s of items to be added over the next few months so keep coming back as we continue to upload more bargains.
It is now time to find new homes for this unwanted by us but possibly much sought after by others inventory.
Happy Hunting!